Belleplates for education
From primary schools to university and beyond, Belleplates are an easy, rewarding and educational entry into group music making.
Belleplates are very easy to use and require no individual tuning enabling pupils or students to play recognisable music before the end of their very first lesson. This can be a great encouragement for those who are entering the world of playing music for the first time. Belleplates are very practical for educational use: they are easy to clean and more durable than handbells or chimes.
Schools in many countries worldwide include Belleplates in their regular music classes and after-school clubs.
Mrs Edna Chalmers wrote about one of her groups:
“The children played four short pieces ‘Jesus Loves Me’, ‘My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean’, ‘Amazing Grace’ and ‘Over The Rainbow’. The children were wonderful, I have never felt so proud in all my life. Their enthusiasm was evident, their behaviour perfect and their playing excellent – and their ages just 6 & 7 years old. I don’t think you can start too young with children if you go about it in the right way. I feel that the concentration needed and the hand and eye co-ordination flows over into their class work and improves their class performance.”